Blog Post

New Consent Requirements under the Taxpayer First Act

michaelchristians • November 13, 2019

On July 1, 2019, the Taxpayer First Act was signed into law. Section 2202 of the Act contains new consent requirements that take effect on December 28, 2019.

Financial institutions that receive an applicant’s tax transcript directly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) during the origination process may not share that information with any other party without the express permission of the applicant. In connection with certain mortgage loans, this restriction on information sharing would also apply to any secondary market investor to whom the loan may eventually be sold. Both Fannie Mae (FNMA) and FreddieMac (FHLMC) have indicated that they will require said consent in connection with any loan to be sold to or securitized by them.

Although the IRS has not prescribed model language for the required consent, the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO) has established model language that may be used:

I understand, acknowledge, and agree that the Lender and Other Loan Participants can obtain, use and share tax return information for purposes of (i) providing an offer; (ii) originating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, servicing, selling, insuring, and securitizing a loan; (iii) marketing; or (iv) as otherwise permitted by applicable laws, including state and federal privacy and data security laws. The Lender includes the Lender’s affiliates, agents, service providers and any of aforementioned parties’ successors and assigns. The Other Loan Participants includes any actual or potential owners of a loan resulting from your loan application, or acquirers of any beneficial or other interest in the loan, any mortgage insurer, guarantor, any servicers or service providers for these parties and any of aforementioned parties’ successors and assigns.

© 2019 The Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization. All rights reserved.

Financial institutions are encouraged to check with their forms provider to determine whether or not a consent form will be available in advance of the December 28 th effective date.

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