5438 South Prairie View Drive West Des Moines, IA 50266
With only 140 hours remaining until the big day, there is still more than enough time for me to get you up to speed on a couple of regulatory developments AND start/finish my Christmas shopping!
New Implementation Timeline for Revised URLA
Yesterday, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced a new implementation timeline for use of the redesigned Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA):
• Beginning June 1, 2020, approved participants may begin submitting the redesigned URLA
• Beginning September 1, 2020, any lender may begin submitting the redesigned URLA
• Beginning November 1, 2020, ALL lenders MUST begin submitting the redesigned URLA
What’s Next for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?
Back in 2016, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that the leadership structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was unconstitutional because its director may only be removed by the President for cause. For those of you following this single piece of drama coming out of our nation’s capital, the case I am referring to is PHH Corporation v. CFPB. However, upon rehearing en banc, that decision was reversed in 2018.
On October 18th, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) granted a writ of certiorari to settle once and for all the constitutionality of the CFPB. Oral arguments in Seila Law, LLC v. CFPB are scheduled for March 3, 2020.
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that SCOTUS does indeed find the CFPB unconstitutional. So what happens next? There are a couple of suggested methods for remedying this constitutional defect. First, making the director of the CFPB subject to removal by the President with or without cause would appear to do the trick. However, there are others that argue the agency should be scrapped in its entirety. This argument translates into a 0% ROI on the billions of dollars already spent by the industry on regulatory compliance since the financial crisis. Reminds me of what I used to hear in law school on a pretty consistent basis – that’s an argument, but not a winning argument.
Most Importantly, THANK YOU
2019 has been an exciting year for Michael Christians Consulting, LLC. I’ve had the absolute pleasure of assisting countless financial institutions and organizations across the country. So first and foremost, THANK YOU. THANK YOU to all those who have placed their trust in me to be their compliance partner. The most rewarding part of my job is knowing that my success derives 100% from your success. We are only as good as we make each other. So THANK YOU for your business and your loyalty. I wish each and every one of you the happiest of holiday seasons and I look forward to what the New Year holds for us together.
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Michael Christians Consulting, LLC