Blog Post

Federal Housing Finance Agencies Announce New ROV Policies

Michael Christians • May 11, 2024

Earlier this month, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA announced new requirements for lenders to establish and implement reconsideration of value (ROV) policies and procedures.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Lenders must establish policies and procedures that include the steps a borrower can take to appeal an appraisal when they believe the opinion of value is:

  • Unsupported,
  • Deficient due to unacceptable appraisal practices, or
  • Reflects discriminatory appraisal practices.

Borrowers must be notified at the time of application and again upon delivery of the appraisal of their right to request an ROV.

The new requirements apply to loan applications dated on or after August 8, 2024.

Federal Housing Administration

Lenders must disclose the following to a borrower at the time of application and again upon delivery of the appraisal:

  • The borrower has the right to initiate an ROV request,
  • The information that he/she will be required to provide in connection with their request, and
  • Expected processing times.

The new requirements apply to loans that have an FHA case number assigned on or after September 2, 2024.

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