5438 South Prairie View Drive West Des Moines, IA 50266
On April 5, 2021, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) proposed changes to the mortgage servicing rules found in Regulation X that would provide additional protections for homeowners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. If finalized, these additional protections would be effective beginning August 31, 2021.
Early Intervention Requirements (Section 1024.39)
The CFPB's proposal would require the following in connection with a mortgage servicer's live contact responsibilities under Regulation X:
Loss Mitigation Rules (Section 1024.41)
The proposed rule also makes changes to the loss mitigation rules found in Regulation X. First, if a borrower was offered a short-term forbearance option based on an incomplete loss mitigation application, the servicer would be required to contact the borrower to determine if he/she wants to complete the application and be considered for a full evaluation of their loss mitigation options. In addition, the proposed rule would allow a servicer to offer a loan modification in response to a COVID-19 related financial hardship based on an incomplete application for loss mitigation assistance under the following circumstances:
Foreclosure Referral (Section 1024.41)
Finally, the proposed rule adds a new temporary blanket exception that prohibits a servicer from making the first filing for foreclosure until after December 31, 2021.
Michael Christians Consulting, LLC