Blog Post

CFPB Proposes Additional Protections for Homeowners Impacted by COVID-19

Michael Christians • April 8, 2021

On April 5, 2021, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) proposed changes to the mortgage servicing rules found in Regulation X that would provide additional protections for homeowners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. If finalized, these additional protections would be effective beginning August 31, 2021.

Early Intervention Requirements (Section 1024.39)

The CFPB's proposal would require the following in connection with a mortgage servicer's live contact responsibilities under Regulation X:

  • For borrowers not yet in a forbearance plan at the time of live contact, the servicer must ask the borrower if he/she is experiencing a COVID-19 related financial hardship. If the borrower answers in the affirmative, the servicer must provide a list of available forbearance options.
  • For borrowers already in a forbearance plan at the time of live contact, the servicer must identify the date that the current forbearance program will end and describe any additional loss mitigation options that may be available.

Loss Mitigation Rules (Section 1024.41)

The proposed rule also makes changes to the loss mitigation rules found in Regulation X. First, if a borrower was offered a short-term forbearance option based on an incomplete loss mitigation application, the servicer would be required to contact the borrower to determine if he/she wants to complete the application and be considered for a full evaluation of their loss mitigation options. In addition, the proposed rule would allow a servicer to offer a loan modification in response to a COVID-19 related financial hardship based on an incomplete application for loss mitigation assistance under the following circumstances:

  • The modification would extend the term of the loan by not more than 480 months,
  • The borrower's principal/interest payment will not increase,
  • Any amount deferred under the modification will not accrue interest,
  • The servicer will not charge a fee in connection with the modification,
  • Any existing fees (e.g. late fees) are waived by the servicer, and
  • The modification resolves the borrower's delinquency.

Foreclosure Referral (Section 1024.41)

Finally, the proposed rule adds a new temporary blanket exception that prohibits a servicer from making the first filing for foreclosure until after December 31, 2021. 

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