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CFPB Issues Final Overdraft Rule for Very Large Financial Institutions

Michael Christians • December 21, 2024

On December 12, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued its long-awaited overdraft rule applicable to very large financial institutions (those with at least $10 billion in assets). It is surprising, yet not shocking, to see the CFPB issue such a controversial rule in the 11th hour of its current leadership.

Under the rule, covered financial institutions will have three options to administer their overdraft programs:

  • Cap their overdraft fee at $5, a fee estimated by the CFPB to be sufficient for the institution to recoup the costs associated with administering its courtesy overdraft program
  • Set their overdraft fee based on a calculation performed by the institution that covers the costs and losses associated with operating its overdraft service
  • Offer an overdraft line of credit subject to the various requirements of Regulation Z, including but not limited to disclosures, an ability to repay determination, and periodic statements.

The rule, available here, is set to take effect October 1, 2025.

Almost immediately, the rule was challenged in federal court. A group of trade associations led by the Mississippi Bankers Association filed a complaint in the Southern District of Mississippi. In their complaint, the plaintiffs allege that the rule was issued in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act, the CFPB exceeded its statutory authority, and the final rule is arbitrary and capricious.

It appears this rule is far from seeing the light of day. Aside from the legal challenge, the rule was issued during a period that allows the incoming 119th Congress to overturn it using the Congressional Review Act. It is also possible that the yet to be named incoming CFPB director under President Trump could withdrawal the final rule.

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