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CFPB Issues Circular Regarding Regulation E Overdraft Opt-In Practices

Michael Christians • October 2, 2024

On September 17th, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued Circular 2024-05. In this publication, the agency reminds financial institutions of their responsibilities under Section 1005.17 of Regulation E.

Under Regulation E, prior to assessing a fee or charge in connection with an ATM or debit card transaction that overdraws a consumer's account, the financial institution must obtain the consumer's affirmative consent.

The circular states that financial institutions must obtain and retain proof of the consumer's affirmative consent. The form of records may vary depending on how affirmative consent was obtained. For example, if a consumer opts in via postal mail, the financial institution should retain a copy of the signed consent form. For a consumer that opts in over the phone, the financial institution should retain a recording of the phone call during which consent was provided.

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